
Selamat datang ke laman web ini.Sudi-sudilah dan selalu-selalu la buka laman web ini.Berbagai aktiviti bersama kawan2 akan di paparkan di sini termasuk la cerita lama dan cerita baru.Hm..ok la ..

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kayuhan Road to Serdang

Ahad 31/10/2010 aktiviti kayuhan road bermula.
Riders : Koko Odd,Azizan,Nizam Kharma,Mat Jasz & the gang
Mat Yus & Abg Mat Ninja (Sg Tengas - Serdang)
Route : Kulim -Sg Tengas - Selama - Serdang - Kulim
Total Distance : 67 KILO
Maximium Speed : 55 km/hrs
Average speed : 22 km/hrs
Time : 3 hrs
               Mentor pada hari..otai koko odd.

Regroup bersama mat yus dari sg tengas
                                                      Koko Odd
                                                  Bro zizan kayuh MTB dengan kelajuan RB
                       Mat yus..lama tak jumpa..geng KUOTA...peace
                                       Bro Zizan kalau la kayuh RB..
                                          Blogger dengan seluar baru fit.. Slow and steady
                                             Gaya macho...keep it up
                                            Aktiviti kejar mengejar bermula
                     Mat Jasni semakin mengancam.Kayuhan semakin baik.

                                                   gaya seorang riders..

                                              Ada improvement..
                                        Macam biasa..blogger & RBnya
                                         Last check point sebelum bersurai

                              Basikal prewen mampuih mampu menggegarkan RB.

                        Ok rest dulu..

                                     Bersurai semua..dah lama dah lepak

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Road To Bukit Hijau-half way..kuakuakua

Kayuhan road pagi ni di sertai oleh Giant RB & Nizam LC.Asalnya ada 3 bikerz..tapi sorang demam maka tinggal 2 riders saja.Pagi ni aku start kayuh dari rumah 7:30 AM.Jumpa Giant kat Petronas Sg Kob.Start bertolak 8:30 AM dari Sg Kob.Route Sg Kob-Kerbau Balar-Simpang Sedim-Kedai makan-lalual kg-Sg Kob.
Huhu..Kayuhan Bukit Hijau terpaksa di shortkan sebab tanda nak hujan.Cuaca redup dengan hujan renyai2 tapi tak basah.Bolgger singgah sebentar di rumah Giant RB untu setting RB.Selepas setting..kayuhan menjadi semakin lancar dan mengancam.TQ Giant
Total distance :50 kilo
Average speed :20km/hrs
Max speed       :60km/hrs (turun bukit daa)hehe
                                  Giant yg sentias di depan..memang perform la giant.
                                           alamak kena tinggai 4 tiang..
                      berhenti sementara hujan renyai reda
                                         Ni dia Giant RB sedang berehat
                                 lawa juga beskat ni..haha
                                aikk..ada lagi..memang cun
                    orait..hujan dah berhenti..moh kito kayuh..
        pic x banyak sebab blogger nyawa2 ikan..gambar time makan kena cover skit.

Cycling - What Do You Get From It?

Cycling or biking is a fun and perfect exercise for an overweight person. There are many advantages you can obtain from this sport, such as lose weight, well-organized lungs and strong heart. Those benefits will keep you healthy and away from any deadly disease. Once you know the profit of doing cycling, you will not miss every single spare time without performing this. Here are the complete explanations of the advantages of riding your bike.
Weight Loss
Even though cycling doesn't burn calories as many as jogging, but it is more effective than aerobics. This exercise is very helpful for people who can't run because of too exhausting. Six miles of a flat ride in 30 minutes may burn 254 calories that equivalent 2.5 miles of running in 30 minutes. So, if you want to lose weight and hate running, you can do this workout. The result is equal like running with further distance and the same period.
Well-Organized Lungs and Strong Heart
Bikers usually have a huge lung capacity that twice than a normal person. It is because riding a bicycle can improve body's ability to increase the number of small blood vessels to carry oxygenated blood to muscles. A cyclist also has a good heart condition, where the average rate in 60-70bpm may down into 50 in regular biker. Thus, ride your bike to efficient your lungs and strengthen up heart.
Strong Back
You may think that biker's bent-over position could cause back problems, but it's false. By riding a bike you can strengthen your back and abdomen. It is because when they are cycling, they hold their position on the saddle over the pedals and constantly rising out of the saddle due to the bumps on the road.
Furthermore, biking or cycling is very useful to maintain your health. Besides those benefit, a biker may improve body muscle because when pedaling, the use big muscle groups, such as quads of the thighs, and hamstring. This exercise is also reducing pollution and overcrowding on the road. By riding your bicycle, you also be able to breathe with fresher air than you drive a car.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Salam semua..
Pagi ini adalah ride untuk meraikan 2 basikal baru.Kuota Kharma dan Giant Biru.
Peserta2 juga adalah peserta peserta yg turut menemani dalam pembelian road dan mountain bike.Mereka adalah Jasni,Zizan,Din dan NizamLC..bravo..keep it up.Plan asal utk ke Bukit Hijau.Kemudian di shortkan ke Sedim..dan di shortkan lagi hingga Ulu Paip atas sebab-sebab yg tidak dapat di elakkan serta masa yg terhad.
                                        Ni dia peserta pertama dengan new roadbike
                                      Ahli baru roadbike..NizamLC
                               Ahli baru sukan berbasikal ini..Mat Jasni @ Mat Jasz.

                                             berehat di air terjun ulu paip
                                                     Din Discovery
                                                      Oraiit kita berehat di Ulu Paip.
                                                         Balik dah..
